Food science and future role in feeding the world – Part II – protein

The future of food is at a tipping point; dramatic increase in the world population, food shortage, food waste, and other issues, such as, providing the right nutrients for the world. As you’ve read in my previous blog, food science and the scientific community will solve these issues with innovative methods. That said, I’m going to focus this part of the blog on new protein sources:

1- Insect protein: This new protein source just started a few years ago. Insects and insect powder are now sold in stores and some restaurants are serving them on their menu. Insects have been popular in Africa for a long time. On the other hand, Europe and other countries are not accustomed to it because of the mindset; you can say the culture dictates how you approach food. Some countries accept insects while others don’t. We’ll see how things progress in the next 5 years with this new source of protein. As you can see below, insects are loaded with protein more than meat, high in Iron and calcium, other vitamins and amino acids. Plus, insect farming is sustainable and environmentally friendly as it requires less water and resources to produce it.

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