Gluten Free Bread attempt # 2

Gluten free bread is interesting to work with. I’m new to baking, and it’s my second time to try this product out. The first time was not successful at all. The middle part of the bread was uncooked. I tried placing the bread in the oven based on online suggestions, helped a little but still raw.

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Pacific Seafood chowder

Living well in the 21st century. Limassol, Cyprus. Two plastic containers filled with clam chowder. One small, and other one is large.
Living well in the 21st century. Limassol, Cyprus. A plastic container with a blue top. The container is filled with clam chowder.

The following recipe used two different thickeners—cornstarch (original recipe) and the brown rice flour (substitution). As you can see above from the first picture. The recipe with cornstarch on the right is thicker, and brighter in color than the left one with brown rice flour. The brown rice flour is less thick and dull in color. I noticed the brown rice flour had a lingering taste in my mouth for at least 30 minutes. The cornstarch tastes thicker and better, not bland. The brown rice flour has a light taste, and stronger flavor not bland as well. Also, as you can see from the second picture the brown rice flour is not a good thickener because two layers formed after they were put in the fridge. I think I made a mistake in the cooking time with the different ingredients in the recipe. There are a lot of variables that are not constant, which made my recipe not as controlled as I wanted it to be. The only variable that needs to be changed is the cornstarch to see the difference in viscosity, and flavor.

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