About me

I stumbled into food science by coincidence. I worked as a diet clerk and diet assistant while attending university. Like most students, I realized that working in hospitals and retirement homes are not for me. My interest grew in food chemistry, food microbiology, and how ingredients interact with each other.

My knowledge includes food science, nutrition, and food service. My education-BS in nutrition and food science, as much as my work experience has led to a comprehensive knowledge of the raw materials that become food, how these interact, and how food science & nutrition can have dramatic implications for human health. I have acquired a thorough understanding of food composition, food safety and analysis, and a high level of experience in nutrition & food science. I’ve worked as a diet clerk, cafe manager, cook, cheese worker, and various quality assurance / quality control / food service roles.

On the writing side of things, I use this blog as an outlet to express myself in writing. Also, grow my knowledge in the food, beverage, and food manufacturing industry. My favorite job was working as a nutrition columnist. The position helped me develop my writing skills. 

Community work has always interested me such as my time at the food bank, teaching high school kids about food science, and worked with a chef at the farmers market with recipes to help kids increase consumption of fruits & veggies. Giving back to society, and the needy is much needed in this time of age.

I use this blog to share my passion for food, nutrition, and food science with the general public and industry leaders. The blog will help me stay up to date with various topics in the nutrition & food science field. 

I also have a portfolio for my services as a freelance food science and science communication writer. Please visit: https://alimentative.com/ for more information.