Taste bud sensitivity

Individual differences in taste perception

Taste can be defined differently; the term is changing as more research is coming out. My previous blog on texture, aroma, taste, and mouthfeel gives an overview of taste. I also talk about other sensory evaluations that all work together to give us flavor.

Today, I will focus on taste and how it relates to flavor. I’ll explore topics like threshold of substances, how it relates to diabetes, and taste bud health. All these factors lead to a difference in taste sensation between individuals.

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Texture, aroma + taste + mouthfeel = flavor, and milk ( plant-based vs animal)

I recommend reading my mouthfeel, smell, and taste blog; it adds to what I’m going to talk about today. I’ve been thinking of alternative milks, and how it compares to regular milk. So, I decided to look into the subject a little more.

Living well in the 21st century - Limassol, Cyprus - a picture of a tongue that says, " taste areas on the human tongue. There are highlighted parts - bitter, sour, umami, salty, sweet - with different color highlights on the tongue.
Image credit: Dreamstime

Note: Umami is the 5th taste after bitter, sour, salty, and sweet. The savory flavor is all over the tongue. Food examples, soy sauce, miso, and Asian cooking uses it often.

Taste buds, flavors, and senses

The taste buds on your tongue detect flavors and food groups, and help you identify the foods you eat. However, other senses play a role in how we experience food. You probably know that the smell of foods can have a strong effect on how they taste, but did you know that the appearance of food also changes how we experience it? Because we usually look at food before we put it in our mouths, the very first information your brain gets about any food comes from your eyes!

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